Author: Stef Dawson
Plugin prefix: smd
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Plugins by Stef Dawson
Ever wanted to just do a simple or complex query that’s not covered by a Textpattern tag? Use this as a stop-gap solution. It allows you to run pretty much any SQL query you like and parse each row one by one via a form/container.
Allows you to create profiles for as many Textpattern thumbnail sizes as you like and will automatically create physical thumbnails at those dimensions for any/all of your images.
Create, publish and edit plugins from within Textpattern. This plugin creates a new page under the Extensions tab where you can edit and export plugins that are already installed in Textpattern, as well as create or upload new plugins created by the community.
The Textpattern database manager adds three menu items to your admin interface. Each contains functionality to help manage your MySQL database. It can be considered phpMyAdmin Lite.
Limit access to Textpattern pages and files via cryptographic access tokens.
Configure additional user biographical information to be collected when authors are created, then show that info as bylines against your Textpattern articles. Like custom fields for user info.
Generic multiple ‘if condition’ tests for Textpattern CMS.
Tag Textpattern articles, images, files and links with stuff, then use the public-side tags to display the lists, filter or find related content.
Simple Textile insertion bar for Textpattern’s Write panel. Body and excerpt fields are covered.
Manage users, groups and privileges from the Textpattern back-end.