An extensible HTML form mailer plugin for Textpattern CMS.
An extensible HTML form mailer plugin for Textpattern CMS.
Markdown Extra text filter for Textpattern CMS.
Template tag that returns contained content with all searched occurrences replaced with given replacements, in the same manner as PHP’s str_replace
Ever wanted to just do a simple or complex query that’s not covered by a Textpattern tag? Use this as a stop-gap solution. It allows you to run pretty much any SQL query you like and parse each row one by one via a form/container.
Rah_comment_spam provides customizable anti-spam tools for Textpattern CMS’ comment system.
Allows you to create profiles for as many Textpattern thumbnail sizes as you like and will automatically create physical thumbnails at those dimensions for any/all of your images.
Or browse all available plugins (44 in total), listed alphabetically…
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Note: This is intended for use when reporting broken plugin links or unreachable content on the Textpattern plugins website itself not plugin code. In the event of broken plugin code please contact the original author directly.